My Dating Demographics:
Name: Name displayed here is altered for privacy and safety.
Gender: This PII is not published here.
Racial Appearane: Black or African American (Skin color); Mixed with Native American (Hair); Mixed with English European (Voice).
Verified Descendancy: Sovereign Native American (Current); Royal English Scientist (8th Generation Removed).
City: "A city in the North State that includes the Oroville Dam."
County: Butte (Sometimes "Chico County")
State: California
Birth Place: United States (U.S.A.)
Residence: United States (U.S.A.)
Citizenship: United States (U.S.A.)
Birth Day: August 26th
Birth Year: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: This PII is not published here.
Weight: This PII is not published here.
Eyes: Auburn
Hair: Auburn
I Am: Heterosexual, Sapiosexual, Gentle during intimacy with my partner.
I am not into "dirty talk" or "rough sex."
I Am Seeking: A Life Partner/ a Companion.
I am seeking Companionship, not Marriage!
I am seeking a companion, not a wife.
Occupation: Performing Music Artist: Disc Jockey.
Computer Scientist: UX/UI Designer.
Business Owner: DJ Promoter. In short, he is a Streaming Digital Creative. The title is known in E-Commerce (including Social Media) as a Digital Creator.
Education 1: U.S. Bachelor of Science (completed).
Education 2: U.S. Master of Science (pursuing).
Fields of Study: Multimedia Computing and Cybersecurity.
Religion: Protestant Christianity.
Relationship Status: Unmarried.
My first marriage has been dissolved ("set aside by court order .")
Has Children: I have no children.
Wants Children? No. There is more time to spend with my partner without children.
Smoking: Allergic; never smokes. Has never smoked. Does not associate with people who smoke because their second hand smoke or vapor is a problem for me.
Partner Can Smoke? No. I am allergic to cigarette, marijuana, and vaping smoke.
Partner Can Smoke In My Apartment? No. In the United States, in States like California that have State Taxes it is common that an Apartment requires the Tenant to choose a Smoking or Non-smoking Apartment. Smokers choose the first kind, non-smokers choose the second kind. My ENTIRE apartment complex is NON-SMOKING. You cannot smoke anywhere, not even indoors and it is in my lease. So I don't let anyone come to my apartment because I don't want to be bothered with them smoking. Smokers smoke as often as every 13 minutes. That's too often for me to breath. Additionally, I have had experience with some people pretending to be non-smokers then smoking when I am away from them. I screen visitors for smoking before I invite them to my living place or work place.

Age Range: I am looking For someone Within the age range of:

24 - 44 Years Old.

Financial Status: I am looking only for someone who is "Financially Self-Sufficient." This is mandatory. This is required due to my personal preference and past relationship experience as my partner's "walking wallet."

"My" Dream Single, "Network," Profile

The Dream Single dot Net, this web page...

Is an exclusive network of men dating for their next-level in their personal and professional life. It is exclusviely for men. Women need not pay anything to view a man's profile. However, women must meet specific criteria to be allowed to receive a man's contact details. Women must sign an attestment that they are Christian, Heterosexual, and provide proof a attending Church once a week for at lest four conscutive weeks. Religious affiliation will be researched before it is accepted as truthful.

The attestment paperwork, which is only one page, will be provided free of charge to women who are allowed to apply to receive a Dream Single's information. The Dream Single Network is operated by a single dream single who does not share information with anyone about other dream singles in his network. Apart from giving a wholesome woman a male membership's contact information, The Dream Single Network never shares information. All men in this network are Christian men. They are all straight, religious, and free of negativity.

This network is small, deliberately, and is very private and adheres to Privacy Policy set by New Zealand, not the United States. The United States follows privacy policy that is too permissive and encourages time-wasting by unsolicited calling, emailing, door-to-door sales and paper-based circulars that stuff a person's personal mailbox. We do not tolerate that so we protect our members. This member is Michael Widener, known online in dating Apps as Jedi Knight or Michael D'Angelo.

Membership is by invitation only. It is free to apply, yet is it not free to join. Selected members will receive an invitation to give consent for personal and professional investigation and will be given the cost of doing such so they can choose to move to the next step or not. Investigation costs vary by member and are not negotiable. New members are only invited during "open enrollment." Otherwise, enrollment is closed. Currently, enrollment is closed.

Short Bio
I'm a life-long gamer. I'm: Straight. Demisexual (this means I take time to become attracted so in-person I may seem distant compared to more demonstrative people). Independent. Thoughtful. Quiet. Handsome. University educated. Non-drinker. Non-smoker. Fast-texter. Good writer (when my auto-correct is keeping up). Photoshop Life-long learner. University graduate. History Buff. Library-lover. Graphic Designer. 3D Animator. Web Designer. Brainiac. I am a Sapiosexual as well as a Demisexual. I'm a Digital DJ. My pet project I do for fun is a music website I enjoy working on and I enjoy talking about. I work for myself and I also do gig work to keep my life interesting. Let's see where this goes and hopefully, friendship and multiplaying Overwatch is where we can start! I'm a non-competitive gamer. I play for fun.

My Profile.
Dream is an International Dating site I am researching as preparation for my post-graduate education in the U.S.A. In the United States post-graduate education is Masters level learning or PhD learning. I haven't decided whicn one to complete yet.

My Hobbies

Most Recent Version
Instead of a normal hobbies message, I'm answering your letters here. I know from my marriage 20 years ago that your greatest fear for me is ED (erectile dysfunction). I don't have that; I have stamina. What I learned before I got divorced (due to immigration's suspicions, not mine) is that women fear a marriage with a man who can't love them passionately. I know why, also. Because you stay with the man, even if you never feel climaxed. I get it. So I will stay on this topic below.

I think the ones who Favorited me are perfectionists about pleasing their man and perfectionists about their looks. You want to learn me so you know you'll be a Straight-A student with me and graduate with Honors. You want Top Marks from me every day because that makes your soul's fire burn white-hot and puts you on Cloud 9. I get it. So here it is: I'm Not A Talker. I'm a pleaser. I'm a writer. I'm a thinker. So click Favorite to Favorite me; or I conclude you're not interested

If you Favorite me, I'll believe you're serious. If not, you're a tease! Never distract me by teasing. I don't like it; I won't write you. I won't invent silly phrases or come-ons. I will just ignore you. If you're on a date with me, I will treat you as a platonic friend the first date, not a wife-to-be. Because that's how healthy relationships start: with friendship, not with passion. Plus, it's how I am. So don't try to tantalize me. Just get nearby and prove you're close with pictures.

Previous Version
My hobbies are spending time with my neighbors, their kids, their pets, and even cooking with them and teaching their children to cook. My only problem has been teaching them the difference between me as their neighbor and the younger children telling their mom that they can call me "dad" if they want. I have to explain how that is not appropriate. Those concepts are tough for young ones to get. So another hobby, I suppose, is setting a good example for them and it is fun and certainly fun.

Very Old Version
My previous relationship has recently ended, as my partner needed to focus on some important family matters, including taking care of a relative. So I moved on after reaching out but not getting clear answers. Life is that way sometimes. It is what it is. So I am seeking new relationship that starts off as a friendship, not as a world-wind sexual relationship that happens quickly. As I say below, no children, no fiancé visa, and you live in your place and I live in mine. Friends have passion.

More About Me

January 21, 2025
I think the ones who Favorited me are perfectionists about pleasing their man and perfectionists about their looks. You want to learn me so you know you'll be a Straight-A student with me and graduate with Honors. You want Top Marks from me every day because that makes your soul's fire burn white-hot and puts you on Cloud 9. I get it. So here it is: I'm Not A Talker. I'm a pleaser. I'm a writer. I'm a thinker. So click Favorite to Favorite me; or I conclude you're not interested.

November 23, 2024
You know from reading this part of my profile before I changed it that I'm a Church of Latter-day Saints Priest. This past Thursday I performed my first Baptism! Since joining the Church only seven months ago, I have felt the love and embracement from my church family and my loneliness suffered during the pandemic is completely eliminated – TERMINATED! I *am not* here because I'm lonely. So don't think that's what I'm facing by not meeting you or talking to you. I'm more busy than ever.

November 19, 2024
In this section, I previously said I am not interested in an immediate serious relationship, in that, I am only interested in basing a relationship on friendship first. Also, I work from home so no one will be moving in with me and I am not willing to assist anyone in becoming a U.S. Citizen through marriage. So don't waste your time. Instead of the gamesmanship, I will avoid it all by saying I am a Church of Latter-day Saints Priest. I attend weekly, and anyone with me will too. It's mandatory.

October 15, 2024
In this section, I'll share more about my hobbies. I enjoy creating digital art since I don't have the space for a physical studio at home. I have a special message for this month, October, for those asking, I will not be meeting anyone and I will not be going to any airport so stop enticing me. I am 100% domestic and I cook, clean, and work from home so no one will be moving in with me no matter what. Friendship first, civil-union next, no children, earnings come before everything else. 22 Oct.

My Ideal Relationship

November 23, 2024
In this section, instead of telling you what I want, I'm continuing to help you understand I am not here out of desperation or loneliness. To prove it, just last night, I visited with my neighbor and learned how to make coffee using toilet paper as the coffee filter and gave the neighbor's son my coffee maker because he showed me how. I don't ignore your messages because I'm defective somehow. The notion revels that the person asking me that or implying that is probably depressed. I'm busy.

November 19, 2024
My ideal relationship is with someone who listens. My Dating Profile answers all the questions. I block repeat askers because I don't answer twice. It costs me money to answer again. You're not notified when I block you; and, I won't pay the $15.80 to tell you. If I unblock you and read a rude message while you were blocked, I will re-block you and message customer service that your message is offensive. So don't test me; or, stop testing me if you are testing me right now. Fair warning.

May 2021 – Present (November 2024)
What I want hasn't changed for the last three years. Here it is: My ideal relationship is with a woman who understands that serious relationships are a two-way street, built on mutual effort and respect. It's never just about one person. From my past relationships, I've learned that trust grows through intimacy intimacy that goes beyond physical connection. Building something meaningful, rather than relying solely on physical attraction, is essential, or the relationship risks fading once the novelty wears off. I'm independent and I run my own web business.

Because I have been decieved in the past, I now only am open to a relationship with a woman who convinces me she knows a strong relationship is built on friendship, not lust. I have always been decieved by women who choose lust and lovership, not love, over real love and also over friendship. I will no longer trust that a woman intends to be a friend first, unless I believe it, which means she has to prove it. Otherwise I will remain single and not entertain a serious relationship at all.

I have learned that for some reason, women believe it is easy to deceive me. I'm not amused by catching a woman in her lies. It has become boring to me. So I simply live without anyone sharing my place of residence so I can always know I will sleep and live in peace without sharing my living space with deceit. I haven't changed my mind since puberty. But I haven't changed what I write about myself since 2021. That's so clear that only a person intent to deceive would waster her time trying to change my mind. I have better things to do.

Two Safe Meeting Places
Going back and forth between Mulvaney's B&L (Sacramento, California) and Starbuck's (Oroville, California.). These are two very well-known and prominent places between Sacramento and Oroville. Oroville is TINY! Only four blocks to their downtown. Sacramento is MASSIVE so you will get lost if you try to meet there and you don't have a phone or WiFi with unlimited data so you can call who you are to meet. Don't try it without this because it's unsafe. Do not plan to meet anyone for a date at night it is winter and the air is so cold you will get sick wearing attractive (fashionable) clothing. Don't say I didn't warn you if you try this and find this out the hard way.